Karen Sperling's Artistry Self-Paced Video Classes and Tutorials

At a Glance

What: Self-paced video classes and tutorials for turning photographs into paintings in Corel Painter (and so far, one for Photoshop).
Where: The videos are viewed online.
When: View the videos whenever you'd like and as many times as you'd like!
Why: These videos are for you if you are a professional photographer who would like to sell paintings
based on your photos to your clients or if you are a hobbyist who is interested in turning your photos
of your children, grandchildren, pets and travels into paintings.
These videos are not for teachers.
How much: Karen Sperling's Artistry Self-Paced Video Classes and Tutorials range in price from
$9.99 for the Artistry Quick Fix Videos through $299 for the Corel Painter Master Class.
There's also a link on this page to order all of Karen Sperling's Artistry Self-Paced Video Classes and Tutorials in a bundle for a 20% savings.

Links and overviews of Karen Sperling's Artistry Self-Paced Video Classes and Tutorials

Painting by Karen Sperling based on a
photograph by Linda Gregory.

Artistry Corel Painter Master Class

Learn the art theories and Corel Painter steps for turning portrait and landscape photos into paintings with the added goal of developing your own painting style and marketable painting brand. The self-paced video lessons in the Master Class show you the ingredients for creating your own unique style that for professional photographers will be salable to clients and for hobbyists will give you hours of enjoyment.
Included in this intensive class are the art lessons and workflow steps for painting both portraits and landscapes in classic and Impressionistic styles.
Also included are brushes that Karen Sperling created specifically for this class.
Compatible with Corel Painter versions 12 through 2023.
Click here for details and to enroll.

Painting by Karen Sperling based on a
photograph by Mary Wynn-Ball.

Artistry Online Classes

Whereas the Master Class self-paced videos give you the big picture for turning portrait and landscape photos into paintings, the self-paced video lessons in the Artistry online classes focus in on painting one subject in one style per class from start to finish, including such topics as painting portraits in a photorealistic style, painting Impressionistic landscapes and painting classic dog portraits.
Included are art lessons and brushes that Karen Sperling created specifically for each class.
Compatible with Corel Painter versions 12 through 2023.
Click here for details and to enroll.

Painting by Karen Sperling.

Artistry Quick Fix Videos

Whereas the Artistry online classes take you from start to finish for painting a particular subject in a particular style, the Artistry Quick Fix Videos are short, self-paced videos covering individual aspects of painting in Corel Painter, including subjects such as how to paint hair or how to paint eyes.
Included are art lessons and in some cases, brushes that Karen Sperling created specifically for each video.
Compatible with Corel Painter versions 12 through 2023.
Click here for details and to enroll.

Painting by Karen Sperling based on a
photograph by Phillip Stewart Charis.

Painting for Photographers Video Tutorials

The Painting for Photographers Video Tutorials are Karen Sperling's first generation of self-paced videos.
The earliest one, Volume 1, was created in Corel Painter X and the subsequent volumes in Corel Painter 12. Corel Painter's interface has been substantially the same since Painter 12 through Painter 2023. The Painter X interface is mostly cosmetically different. For instance, the Brush Selector is on the right in Painter X and on the left in Painter 12 and higher.
The three volumes in the Painting for Photographers video collections cover painting adult portraits, landscapes and children's portraits.
Though they were created with older versions of Painter, they still have great information for turning photos into paintings, and if you are familiar with Painter's interface, you will be able to figure out the differences easily enough and will benefit from the terrific information in all three volumes.
Included are art lessons and brushes that Karen Sperling created specifically for each video tutorial set.
Click here for details and to enroll.

Karen Sperling's Artistry Video Classes Bundle

Get all of Karen Sperling's Artistry Self-Paced Video Classes and Tutorials for $1,282.77, an additional 20% savings off the already discounted bundles as follows.
Artistry Corel Painter Master Class
Artistry Online Classes
10 Artistry Online Classes for Corel Painter $792 (a 20% savings)

Artistry Quick Fix Videos
25 videos for $199.80 (a 20% savings)

Painting for Photographers Video Tutorials
3 video packages for $311.97 (a 20% savings)

Total $1,602.77 $1,282.77 (an additional 20% savings!)

Write to Karen Sperling with questions.

Fine Print: Due to the nature of digital items, there are no refunds or credits.

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Karen Sperling's Artistry video classes are not automatic links. A person sends them to you. You will receive the links within 24 hours of your order during business hours Monday through Friday U.S. Pacific time.

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