Corel Painter/Adobe Photoshop Private Lessons/Mentoring with
Corel Painter Elite Master Karen Sperling
Painting by Karen Sperling based on a photo by Karah Sambuco.
Corel Painter Private Lessons/Mentoring: Overview
Elite Corel Painter Master and original Painter expert, Karen Sperling, is available for private lessons/mentoring for painting with Corel Painter or Adobe Photoshop, or both.
You will enjoy private lessons/mentoring if you prefer to learn at your own pace, if you want to be able to ask unlimited questions or if you want instruction custom-tailored to focus on your specific interests.
Private lessons/mentoring are especially valuable if you're interested in developing your own individual, unique style. Do you prefer an Impressionistic, looser style or a tight, photo-realistic look? Are you interested in formal, Rembrandt-style paintings or a more contemporary, Pino Daeni approach? Karen Sperling can help you achieve any style that suits you!
Karen Sperling's private lessons are particularly popular with professional photographers and hobbyists. Sorry, these lessons are not open to teachers.
One-on-one lessons/mentoring are available online webinar style for everyone from beginners to advanced users.
Examples of topics covered in private lessons include:
• Is your photo a good candidate to be turned into a painting in Corel Painter or Adobe Photoshop?
• Is there a way to edit it if it isn't?
• Which brushes should you use to paint?
• Not sure if something you painted is good?
• What are some pointers about how you might improve your paintings?
Private lessons/mentoring can get you jumpstarted with Painter or Photoshop or both, or, if you've already been using Painter or Photoshop, private lessons can help bring your work to the next level.
Corel Painter Private Lessons/Mentoring Reviews
Karen Sperling's private lessons receive rave reviews like these:
Karen Sperling Is Gifted Not Only as an Artist, But Also As an Articulate and Well-Organized Instructor
Hi, everyone! My name is Gary Silber, and my wife Marion and I own Marion and Silber Fine Portraiture in Jackson, MS. I have been a passionate portrait photographer since I was 17 years old, and a PPA Master and Craftsman Photographer for over 30 years. In addition to my career as a classic photographic portrait artist, I have taught both photography and art history on a career college level.
I also study art, art history and both Old Masters and Contemporary painting. Most of Marion's and my portraiture is inspired by our love of Rembrandt, Sargent, Renoir, and other great painters. I have been trying, with limited success, to learn and master Corel Painter for at least 15 years, perhaps longer. Learning the program has somehow always eluded me, though I have studied with some very talented Corel artists.
I have recently been studying with Karen Sperling privately, through her online webinar technology. I wanted to share with anybody interested in learning to paint with Corel Painter what a superb teacher Karen is. I have made enormous progress in a short period of time. She teaches not only the how to of using the Corel program, but also the fundamentals of art and painting as you learn the in-depth program.
I can't recommend Karen's books and personal teaching enough. She doesn't teach you how to paint like her, but instead teaches you how to paint and develop your own artistic style and vision. I am going to continue studying with her until I reach the level of excellence that I demand of myself. She is gifted not only as an artist, but also as an articulate and well-organized instructor.
I'm very grateful to call her a colleague, my very capable painting teacher, and also a good friend. I think the world of her!
Gary Silber
Marion and Silber Fine Portraiture
Highly Recommends Karen Sperling's Private Lessons
I just had my first private lesson from Karen Sperling for learning Corel Painter and techniques for painting with oil and acrylic paints.
She was very accommodating and provided a comfortable space for the day.
Before we even met, Karen took the time to talk with me to find out what I wanted to learn so I can get the most out of our time together. She custom built the lesson to my desires and even refreshed my knowledge of color theory, something that will help me greatly moving forward in my photography and art career.
Karen made learning Corel Painter as simple for me as possible. She explained what items I will need to get the style I want, how to best access them, and how to accurately adjust them to manipulate my subject.
As with any new software programs, I will have to get in plenty of practice to familiarize myself with it, but thanks to Karen, I have a really strong start.
I highly recommend Karen for artists and photographers who are looking to take their art careers to the next level using Corel Painter.
Cindy P. Canty
Likes Karen Sperling's Use of Color
One of the things that I would like to learn how to pay attention to is adding color that didn't exist in the original photo.
I've seen TONS of digital paintings from photos and most of them (including my own) do not impress me because most of the time,
it's just smearing around pixels from the original photo.
To me, part of what makes a painting a painting is the introduction of color that did not originally exist. The painting from your
book cover I think is magnificent because it still contains the realism but is clearly a painting. When I look just at her arms...
there are SOOO many colors there. THAT's something I'd like to focus on while we work together.
Karen Sperling is a Corel Painter Icon
Karen has been an icon in the Corel Painter world since the beginning. She uses it as an active artist and teaches as well.
Who better to learn from?
I quickly realized that my biggest lack of knowledge and what I needed most was NOT specific to Corel Painter, but more so
to art in general. There are some fundamental concepts in the art world that are good to know and understand and Karen helped
explain those to me so that I could apply them in my digital painting.
James Finch
In Search of Artistic Passion
I wanted to get back to finding something that brings me passion and be known
for that instead of being known for just purely business stuff.
The only way for me to do that is to find people that are way more artistic than
I am and way better than I am...and go learn. So...that's Karen Sperling! :)
A professional photographer in the Midwest
Welcomed Constructive Feedback from True Corel Painter Expert
I had been looking for something like private lessons.
I felt alone in my efforts and previously had no place to get
constructive feedback on what I was doing in Painter.
And not from just anyone! From a true expert whose own work
I admire. Someone who knows Painter inside and out who can guide me
in the best direction for what I am trying to achieve.
And the price is right!
Liz Stenson,
Ontario, Canada
Thoroughly Impressed with Karen Sperling's Private Lessons
I was thoroughly impressed with how our 4 hours of private lessons went.
I did not have time for attending a 3-day seminar. Plus, I had been to seminars and
been disappointed due to the extremely diverse knowledge level of the attendees.
It made sense to pay for focused training and not waste time (or be aggravated) in the seminar.
When we met, we lost no time and hit it hard.
I always know when the training is intense and good--my head hurts afterwards from
all the information it absorbed. It hurt good after our session.
I would recommend Karen's one-on-one training to anyone who is serious about pursuing
changing photos to paintings (as I am).
Karen hit a couple of points that did not register at first, so discussion time.
This is where the one-on-one pays off. I told her to stop. I had a question. Stop we
did and explored the answer. Perfect.
Kudos to you, Karen.
Jon Molnar
Tavares, FL
Private Lessons Most Efficient Way to Learn Corel Painter
One-on-one is the only way to go!
I got answers to all my questions. The instruction was oriented
to what I needed to know. No inapplicable info, no one
interrupting and no need to cover what you already know.
Private lessons with Karen Sperling are the most efficient way to
learn Corel Painter-—one-on-one.
Thanks, Karen!
Yes! I want to enroll in private lessons/mentoring!
Tuition fees are for one-on-one webinar-style private lessons/mentoring. Preparation and research time may be charged for unusual questions, topics or workflow situations. Tuition fees are subject to change without notice. Enroll now to lock in these low rates!
Write to Karen Sperling or call her at 818-941-9739 with questions.
We accept all major credit cards using PayPal.
All payments are 100% secure.
Please note: After your payment is received, you will hear from us within 24 hours during regular business hours Monday through Friday U.S. Pacific Time.
Thank you for enrolling in private lessons/mentoring with Karen Sperling!
Artistry is a Certified Corel Training Partner.
The Corel Painter private lessons are taught by original Painter expert and Elite Corel Painter Master Karen Sperling, who wrote the original Painter manuals and whose preface and art are featured in Painter Showcase. She is the author of the bestselling Painting for Photographers book, which covers painting people, pets and landscapes in both Painter and Photoshop, the highly acclaimed Painting for Photographers book Volume 2, which shows how to paint children's portraits in Corel Painter and the brand-new Painting for Photographers book Volume 3, which has state-of-the-art Corel Painter steps and art lessons for turning portrait and landscape photographs into paintings. She also is the producer of the popular Painting for Photographers video tutorials for painting portraits, landscapes and children's portraits in Corel Painter and leads the world-renowned live and in-person Artistry Retreats. She also teaches the popular Artistry Quick Fix Videos, the Artistry Corel Painter Master Class and individual private Corel Painter lessons online and in person. She is also the creator of the Artistry Corel Painter brushes. |
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Corel Corporation has named Karen Sperling a member of the Painter Master Elite program and also a Certified Painter Educator.
According to Corel, "These high profile Painter artists are proven masters of their craft having earned the prestigious Painter Master Elite title from the Painter team for their many years of dedicated service to Corel Painter.
As Painter Master Elite artists, they hold a very special place in our hearts. They continue to inspire new artists and Painter feature innovations while also managing to keep us grounded to our world-renowned realistic natural media roots. We would not be where we are today without them and the world will continue to be inspired by their creations.
Whether you are looking for inspiration to develop your own signature style, wanting to dive into learning the ins and outs of Painter, or looking for an artist to create work for you, we highly recommend checking out what these very talented artists have to offer."
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