Artistry Online Class #2: Turning Photos into Classic-Style
Paintings in Corel Painter for Professional Photographers (and Hobbyists!)

Professional photographers are enjoying increased sales by offering paintings based
on their photos to their clients and in this self-paced online video class, you learn the art
theories and Painter steps for turning your beautiful photos into exquisite paintings from
Elite Corel Painter Master Karen Sperling.
This class is for you if you are a hobbyist as well. It is about painting in a classic, traditional
way and you'll enjoy painting your kids and grandkids in this classical style!
This class is not for teachers.
Included with the class are Karen's custom brushes for painting in this style.
A word about compatibility: this class was created with earlier versions of Painter, but it is compatible with today's versions, as well. If you run into any trouble, you can email Karen Sperling for help, but she never hears from anyone because the older tutorials really do work with present-day Painter versions.

Painting by Karen Sperling based on a photo by Jeffrey Orr. Instructions for painting this painting based on a photo are included in this class.

Detail of painting.

Detail of painting.

Painting by Karen Sperling based on a photo by Christy Peterson. Instructions for painting this painting based on a photo are included in this class.

Detail of painting.

Detail of painting.

Painting by Karen Sperling based on a photo by Mary Wynn-Ball, using the techniques and brushes covered in the class.

Artistry Online Class #2: Turning Photos into Classic-Style
Paintings in Corel Painter


Please note: The Artistry Online class video links aren't sent automatically. A person sends them to you. You will receive the video links within 24 hours of your order during regular business hours Monday through Friday U.S. Pacific Time.

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